Saturday 3 August 2013

Preliminary Evaluation: Pre Production

The pre production stage of our preliminary task was incredibly brief which ,I believe, accounts for some of the reasons our music video wasn't a success. Due to the fact that the video was created nearing the end of term there was definitely a sense of haste throughout the process which is evident when reviewing the footage. 

 One of the most important steps we skipped was storyboarding which, retrospectively, would of been greatly useful. As a consequence of this we were constantly rewinding and re-watching the official music video of 'Blurred Lines' to help us- which wasn't the easiest nor most efficient way of producing the video. I think attempting to make a video without storyboarding has magnified the importance of this stage and allowed us to realize that for our final video it's crucial that we create an in depth story board to make the filming process simpler.  We also didn't consider creating a prop list and instead avoided them during filming apart from the microphone which we found in school. This aspect of pre production is likely to have been covered had we done a storyboard, therefore we would have known exactly which props we were hoping to use and ensured they were with us. 

 As we were filming indoors the weather wasn't an issue and we didn't have to look ahead at the forecast which is something we may have to do in the future. Something else which will be vital to consider in pre production in the future is the clothing, hair and make-up of those featured in the video as we didn't think about it for our preliminary task. In order to create a more effective video we will need to develop our organizational skills so that we are more prepared next time. Although the pre production stage of our music video was basically non-existent we have learnt that we will have to take time to thoroughly plan our video next time if we want it to be more successful. 

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