Monday, 5 August 2013

Preliminary Task: Post Production

After having produced the footage we used a computer in school to edit the video using Adobe After Effects. As this programme was new to all of us we weren’t completely confident with the editing stage and it took a little while to figure out how to do some things. After having decided on which footage we were using, we drop and dragged them onto the programme were we put them in order and cropped them. We then imported the music and placed it underneath the clips, trying to get the footage and audio in sync.

 When watching the video back there are definitely errors such as the fact that at 0:17 the audio becomes quiet momentarily and the hashtag that appears on the screen at 0:36 shouldn’t transition into the next shot. When editing our actual video we will have to take the time to educate ourselves about Adobe After Effects so we can easily rectify any similar problems.

 This was probably the stage were we learnt the most as we have acquired some basic knowledge of the software, although we still need to drastically improve our editing skills. I think one of the most prominent things which stands out over all three areas (pre production, production and post production) is the fact that we need to spend more time on everything and not just do the bare minimum. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Preliminary Evaluation: Production

As mentioned in the previous post the actual production of our video was made more difficult as we had not prepared properly in the pre-production stage. For convenience we decided to film on school grounds in a room equipped with a white screen and lighting. Despite the fact that the video we were recreating was also shot with a blank white background it was clear that they had a larger area of room to work with whereas we were restricted to a relatively small screen. This meant that framing the shots became difficult and it is evident in the video that there was limited space. In future it will be crucial that we decide on a location for the video which is perhaps more practical.

 We also encountered problems as two of the people featured in the video were noticeably different heights, therefore we had to use a box for the smaller one to stand on which wasn't ideal. How those featured in the footage look amongst one another is something else we will have to think about before filming. 

 We didn't spend a large amount of time actually producing the video- approximately two lessons taking into account the time we used to set up and pack away. I think the fact that it was rushed is definitely obvious when watching the video back and we’ll allow ourselves a longer amount of time for our final video. Most of our ideas were taken directly from the blurred lines video whereas it would have been more effective had we been creative and introduced our own ideas. In this sense our music video uses conventions of pre-existing media products as it is essentially a recreation of the original video, however we failed to develop or challenge forms and conventions which is something we will consider when making our next video. For the filming of our preliminary task we used a camera from school which wasn’t the best quality, when filming again we will hopefully use a different camera which will make the footage look more professional. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Preliminary Evaluation: Pre Production

The pre production stage of our preliminary task was incredibly brief which ,I believe, accounts for some of the reasons our music video wasn't a success. Due to the fact that the video was created nearing the end of term there was definitely a sense of haste throughout the process which is evident when reviewing the footage. 

 One of the most important steps we skipped was storyboarding which, retrospectively, would of been greatly useful. As a consequence of this we were constantly rewinding and re-watching the official music video of 'Blurred Lines' to help us- which wasn't the easiest nor most efficient way of producing the video. I think attempting to make a video without storyboarding has magnified the importance of this stage and allowed us to realize that for our final video it's crucial that we create an in depth story board to make the filming process simpler.  We also didn't consider creating a prop list and instead avoided them during filming apart from the microphone which we found in school. This aspect of pre production is likely to have been covered had we done a storyboard, therefore we would have known exactly which props we were hoping to use and ensured they were with us. 

 As we were filming indoors the weather wasn't an issue and we didn't have to look ahead at the forecast which is something we may have to do in the future. Something else which will be vital to consider in pre production in the future is the clothing, hair and make-up of those featured in the video as we didn't think about it for our preliminary task. In order to create a more effective video we will need to develop our organizational skills so that we are more prepared next time. Although the pre production stage of our music video was basically non-existent we have learnt that we will have to take time to thoroughly plan our video next time if we want it to be more successful. 

Friday, 2 August 2013

Preliminary Activity

Posted below is the preliminary music video and continuity editing footage which we produced as a group as a starting point for our project. The preliminary music video was filmed to a section of the song 'Blurred Lines' by Robin Thicke featuring T.I. and Pharrell- influenced by the original video. This task was designed to give us an insight concerning how challenging it is to create a music video. Not only did it make us aware of some of the difficulties we might face but it also provided us with some basic knowledge about the pre production, production and post production stages.

The continuity editing task was also helpful as it allowed us to see how we were able to produce footage which displayed cohesion between various short shots. This task will be especially useful if we decide to create a narrative video as continuity would be a necessary aspect of the video.

The filming for our preliminary music video was all completed in a day and the post production was also a relatively quick process- taking us a couple of lessons to finish. Our continuity editing video was all shot in one (hour) lesson and the editing only took one additional lesson to complete.

Preliminary Task

Continuity Editing Video


Posted above is the schedule for our A2 coursework which we will work in accordance with in order to stay organised and up to date. As we are working in a group we will aim to divide the workload equally between the three of us in order to meet deadlines and be as efficient as possible. Within the group we all share a variety of skills and abilities which we will consider when distributing tasks.  All of the posts will be labelled accordingly with either 'Jess', 'Phoebe' or 'Meg'. Alternatively, we will use the label 'JESSMEGPHOEBE' for jobs which we have collaborated on- ensuring that it is easy to view who has completed what work.

Introductory Post


Welcome to our A2 media blog which will document our work throughout the making of our music video, from the preliminary task to the final product. Our blog will be used to display posts showing our research and planning which will track our ideas throughout. 

We decided to work on this project collectively as we are all students who have a keen interest in media and enjoyed studying it at AS, where the three of us created individual magazines (consisting of a cover, contents and double page spread).  Having fully applied ourselves to the production of our own independent assignments last year, we were successful in the AS and all achieved A grades for our hard work and effort. Displayed below are the final magazine covers which each of us submitted.




While completing our A level in media, we are also studying other subjects which correspond well with this course, helping us with certain elements of our work. 

Meg: A2 media
A2 English language
A2 textiles  

Jess: A2 media
A2 English language
A2 textiles

Phoebe: A2 media
A2 English literature
A2 sociology

Although these subjects don't share a direct link to media, we can use skills learnt in them to aid our coursework. For example, textiles knowledge will prove to be beneficial when it comes to the styling of those featured in our music video. Additionally, our group's experience with both English language and literature will help us to be analytical of pre existing music videos and will also be useful when we are evaluating our work nearing the end of the process. 

Despite our groups varying musical interests we all share an appreciation for the Indie Pop/ Synth genre- including artists such as MSMR, AlunaGeorge and CHVRCHES. Consequently, it is highly likely that we will be using this genre for the focus of our work. 

Genre Example

We hope you enjoy viewing our blog.

Phoebe Peberdy, Jess Greenfield and Meg Kiely.