Magazine Advertisement
In terms of the poster, I think that the photograph used is incredibly effective as it is of a high quality, well lit and presents the girl well. Within the Pop genre, artists own appearances are highly important and work as one of their main selling points- the use of a large midshot shows that you have acknowledged this and that you are well informed about conventions of the genre. The fact that the girl is making direct eye contact with the consumer is also an effective feature as it encourages viewers to feel that they have a more personal connection to the artist (also drawing the fans own eye in). Additionally, you have styled the artist well in accordance with your target market (adolescent girls) as she is dressed modestly and appears quite wholesome which won't intimidate fans.
The use of minimal text on your poster also works well as it retains the focus on the image and keeps the design simple and clean cut. The composition of the overall poster is aided by the fact that you have positioned the text to the right hand side. This shows that you have considered the fact that people generally look from left to right and therefor consumers attention will initially be on the photography and then proceed to the lettering. I like the way you have separated the text with different colours- black and pink- as this creates a distinction between the artists own name and the title of her album. I also think that the use of different sized text is good as the more important information is prominent.
In terms of what could have been improved, I think that you could of rearranged the imagery and text on your poster in order to include some ratings/ reviews as this is often a convention of Pop magazine adverts. However, I realise that you wanted to make the image of the artist a focal point and therefore enlarged it so that there was no space for ratings or reviews.
The comments that I previously made about the image on your poster apply to the one used on the cover of your digipak (as they are the same). The fact that you have used the same image is effective in some ways as it links both products together well. The style of both your poster and digipak correspond successfully too. However dissimilar to your poster, where the image was placed on the left hand side, I like the fact that you have centralized it. This creates a pleasing composition and allows the photograph to take command of the cover. Yet again, you have kept text to a minimum which I think works well on the cover as it means that there are no distractions from the imagery of the artist. The title 'Keys' has been aligned well and the bold, pink font manages to distinguish itself from the photograph behind- ensuring that it isn't lost on the page. I also like the way you have designed the back cover and the way which you have centralized the track list and corresponding legal information/ record label. Your digipak would be even better, in my opinion, if you had made the two inside panels white to connect with the back and front cover. However I don't think the fact that they are black is an issue- it's subjective.
Digipak Booklet
I think the fact that you have included a small lyric booklet to go inside your digipak is a really nice detail and shows that you have thoroughly considered all the ways to make the product more interesting for consumers.Your use of additional pictures of the artist in the booklet was a good choice as it means that people will be more inclined to buy the digipak in order to get the unseen images. It has been put together really well and I think the fact that you have reduced the opacity of the pictures beneath the lyrics is helpful as it means the text is easily legible. The 'with love' lettering also works well as it tricks buyers into thinking each album is more individualistic (despite the fact that it has been printed on them all).
Overall, I really like both of the products you have created- taking into consideration your genre of music. I think that you have considered conventions well and effectively composed all aspects of your work.
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