Friday 15 November 2013

Artwork Update

After receiving some feedback from the artwork, I have had to consider some changes. Originally I was going to create a small piece of artwork which will also be a poster. I wanted the artwork/poster to fit in a slot within the CD. It would have had a plain matte black back to it. The feedback suggested that I should apply lyrics to the back, so listeners will not have to go online to see them. As I have twelve songs on the album, I was slightly concerned that the lyrics wouldn't fit on, and was anxious on how I’d set the typography out. Therefore I decided to test out what this would look like.

Here is an example of this:

I don't feel that this design works, as the lyrics look very crowded, and as some of the songs are longer than others there is a mixture of sizes and to me doesn't look aesthetically pleasing. I struggled to find other bands and artists who included lyrics with their poster. All of the people I have been researching into have more of a minimalistic approach to the aesthetics of their posters. Therefore I will be keeping the artwork plain, but I will create a separate poster which will include the release date for the album and the record companies involved. 




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