Indie Scenesters- Creatives
Also known as Artists, Craftivists
Favourite Brands:
The Cool Hunter
The Cool Hunter
DeZeen- Design Magazine
The New York Times
Secret Cinema
Key Words:
Inventiveness, Collaboration, Hard work.
Gemma Correll
Ai Wei Wei
Laurence Weiner
Rosie Wolfenden
Harriet Vine
JW Anderson
David Bowie
This is an estimation of one of the types of audiences within 'Indie Scenesters' that our band Influxx would appeal to. It gives a good overall view of the type of lifestyle, interests, hobbies, style, icons etc of the market we are aiming our band at. Finding out the type of brands and icons this tribe are interested in helps us plan what we will present our band like (fashion & style wise) to appeal to this audience. The Creatives tribe fall into the 'Indie Scenesters' as a collective, this is a good indication that we are looking at the right type of market for our band as Influxx are an Indie/Synth pop duo. We must keep in mind that although this is updated information from UK Tribes (2013) it is stereotyped and may not be completely accurate, however we can take lots of information from this piece of research and incorporate it into our planning and final music video.

Try and explain how you will appeal to these people via the visuals in your video as well as the promotional devices (twitter, instagram and the digipak and poster)