Monday 28 October 2013

Digipak & Magazine Advert Draft Feedback

Over half term both our digipak and magazine advertisement were marked and we have now received feedback. As I created my work fairly quickly prior to my absence, I was aware that both weren't of a high standard and wasn't surprised to receive two C's (scoring 6/10 for both pieces of work). This process was helpful however as I now have direct advice which will guide me in the correct direction when it comes to improving my work.

In terms of my digipak, the feedback I received commented on the fact that the height difference between both the male and female models was very pronounced- to amend this I will have to retake the images, using a small platform for Ellie to stand on. It was also mentioned that the title 'Hurricane' should be altered so I will reconsider this aspect of the digipak and select a title that isn't a track list.

The main comment about my magazine advertisement was that it appeared disjointed from my digipak and so I will have to ensure that the styles correspond when I make improvements to it. In order to achieve this there are a few adjustments I could make- for example I could incorporate the text used on the magazine advertisement onto the digipak to create links between the two. I may also adjust the boarder on my magazine advertisement and make the background the same colour as the digipak.

During the course of the next few weeks I will work on the research for my digipak and magazine advertisement in order to justify some of the decisions I have made and ensure that the style I have chosen is clear.

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